DS10 and I had to do a bit of driving for an appointment yesterday and had a really nice time together. After the appointment, we had dinner together, and we talked a lot about different things, including what he's interested in learning this year.
If you're keeping up, you'll know that we're doing cooking once a week. I was imagining him or me looking up recipes every week and just cooking. However, he came up with a brilliant idea: foods from around the world! He decided to use a book he already owns: There's a Chef in My World by Emeril Lagasse. Funny thing is, he loves Emeril's cooking books for kids so much that this one is falling apart (we might get another when time allows, but for now, we're scanning and printing the pages so they don't get more damaged). He has two more of Emeril's books as well, There's a Chef in My Soup and There's a Chef in My Family, and we've used them quite a bit, but there are still many, many to try out.
We're going to cook a recipe from a different country every week. To flesh out the class, we also plan on reading just a little about the culture and watching a short video on technique related to the recipe (probably from YouTube or a site like Kids Cooking Activities).
DS has already picked out his first three recipes: Mango Lassi from India, Pan Banga from France, and Beef Stroganoff from Russia. I'm really looking forward to this! It sounds like fun.
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